Friday, January 24, 2014

Cold Weather on the Farm's cold outside! 

Well, at least for us Texans!!  :)

When I milked the goats yesterday the cleaning cloths froze before I was done milking!  Poor April was so cold.  She seems to be more sensitive to the cold than her sister Nancy.

When it is below freezing outside we have to be extra careful to make sure the goats have access to water....not ice!  So about every two hours we carry out a pot of boiling water to keep ice from forming on the top of the water bucket. 

Luckily Farmer Willie is working from home today, so he gets to help with that job!!  :)

Their water already has a film of ice on top so we break that up with a shovel and then add the hot water.

April was super excited to have some warm water to warm her up!!

And that's how it's done!!  :)

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