***Farm Hunting Update: Well, we spoke with the mortgage company yesterday and everything is good to go except for the appraisal. Since we are getting a VA loan we don't have a lot of control over that. We should hear something within the next week. Once that is done we are heading to closing!!***
What Is It Really About? - In The Family
Today brings a close to our series on determining and applying your family's purpose for Christmas. We have looked at how to apply it in your home, and in your community, and we conclude by looking at how to apply it within our family.
Applying our purpose within the family is often left in the dust during the holiday season. We get caught up in doing things with our family, but we forget to do things for our family besides buying gifts. And while gifts are definitely a way to give, there are so many other ways and opportunities that, to just stop at gift giving is a waste.
How you apply this principle will be very different for each family because each family member has different needs and desires. But the goal is to make yourself more aware of opportunities that come up.
One thing William and I try to do is watch closely for any child needing extra attention. We have a belief that if a child feels they need more attention, then they do. It might not make sense to us as maybe we spend all day, every day with them and we feel like we show them tons of attention, but if they think they need it, then they do for one reason or another.
So we watch the girls for clues that they need more attention. Some of the clues that I have noticed is that they pull away when someone else is being praised (there are heart issues that cause this as well, but either way it demands more attention). For kids that are around elementary school age they may try to sit in your lap or cuddle more often, sometimes even seeming to behave in a way that you don't think is appropriate for their age. Sometimes they just come right out and say it!!
It is easy for us to get caught up in all of the activities, be it good activities, and leave family members feeling left behind.
Make a point each day to show your children and husband that you are thinking about them. For my family, this usually involves touch, be it a back rub, snuggling on the couch or just talking while I gently touch their shoulder.
I am not a very touchy person so I have to make an effort to do this since it is not my natural response. Yet it seems that everyone else in my family is naturally touchy!!
Get enough sleep!! Nothing ruins a fun time quicker than tired parents or children!! I know that it is hard to stay on your regular night time schedule, but it is important to try. Fatigue also causes your immune system to slow down and you want to keep everyone healthy!!
Now, this one is hard for me, but we try and continue eating right. I know that we throw in some special treats and meals and that is a-okay!! But don't make it an everyday occurrence as you will end up with a sluggish family and a bunch of tummy aches.
Slow down and notice all of the love letters that the Lord leaves you and your family throughout the day. If you will just take the time to look for them, you will be amazed at the many ways the He has put in place to remind you of His presence.
My final tip is one we have talked about before, but is sooo important! Make sure your family maintains individual time with the Lord each day. If you are too busy for this, then you are too busy!
My family is one of the greatest blessings that the Lord has given me. I hate to think of them feeling devalued because I become too busy to deal with or bless them. So begin each day with a song (my favorite way to wake them up!!) and a prayer and end it with a kiss and a prayer because each day with our family is a gift. And that is one gift that we want to appreciate and treasure daily!!